

you everything
your eyes got me stray
your body is holding me back and I want to say in your body is where I want to lay in my chest is where I want you to play
your beauty leaves me with nothing to say

I'll always love you in every way

allow me to be your tattoo
allow me to love you too
I promise I'll always be with you
I promise everyday I'll treat our relationship like it's new
I don't see love without you

you took away my breath
but your love will prevent my death
your smile gives me a new birth
without you love it's live there's a knee in my neck I'm suffocating I'm losing strength

your Voice is angelic it comes me down
your touch is magical it activates thing's in my body

your eyes are making my heart pump hard
your mind takes me forward
you are heavenly sent
for you I'll spend every cent

you my dream
you my vision
you my present
and you my future
I'll love you until you become nightmare

kingzee imbongi yosizi
© imbongi yosizi zinjile