

my mom❤
When I think of an angel,all I see is her
Her unconditional love for me is so der
She treats me like treasure worthy to preserve
Yet I paid no price for her care to deserve
Her hearty laughter eases my anxiety
And her dreams are my only priority
"My child,you're special" she says
That assurance is the compass of my ways

I've not been an easy kid to raise
But alas!no day passes without her praise
She eats my half cooked food with love
Her intentions pure like a white dove
For her,I will be the girl she wants
'Cause no one but her scared my hants
With her by my side I'm a happy moon
And I promise be her armor very soon
To wipe away the strained tears and sweat
The only one who believes I'm not easy to defeat
My first and forever love of my life
For your sake I promise to strife
And to God I request for her eternal happiness
For her heart to always be filled with tenderness.

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