

In a corner of this vast universe,
where stars blend with dreams,
your essence arises, bright and ethereal,
like a spark that ignites longing.
You are the echo of an ancient heartbeat,
the song that resonates in silence,
a melody that transforms the air,
weaving magic in every moment.

When I look at you, time stands still,
hours fade away,
and the outside world becomes a whisper.
Your eyes, two universes in which I want to get lost,
reflect stories yet to be told,
secrets of galaxies that only you can reveal,
a compass that guides my heart toward wonder.

You are the gentle breeze on a summer day,
the scent of flowers waking in the morning,
and in your laughter, the echo of joy,
like the murmur of a stream that never stops.
Every word from you is a verse that resonates,
every smile, a ray of light that brightens the gloom,
and in every encounter, I feel the world align,
as if the stars dance in a celestial ballet.

You are not just a being,
you are the art that brings life to existence,
the spark that ignites creativity,
the muse that inspires poets to dream.
You, who transform the ordinary into the extraordinary,
make every moment worth it,
as if eternity concentrated
in the beauty of your being.

You are a poem written in the language of the soul,
a whisper of the wind that caresses the heart,
and with every step you take,
you leave footprints of love on the earth,
marking the path toward the greatness
of a love that knows no bounds,
of a tenderness that transcends time.

So, while the world turns,
I want you to know that you are the light guiding my steps,
the inspiration behind every verse,
and in every thought that embraces you,
my heart whispers a profound gratitude
for the fortune of finding you
in this vast and beautiful universe.
© Luis Mujica