

A Winter's Love
I miss the joyful days of old.
I cry for all sweet kisses lost.
I ache for armour from the cold.
I seethe the bitterness of frost.

I yearn for peace amid chaos.
I long for my lover, divine.
I cry, for I've suffered a loss.
I've lost a love that once was mine.

His face: a painting in my mind.
Icicles drip like tearied eyes.
Snow melts upon my skin, I find,
Like hot sunshine in winter skies.

A winter morn could be so warm.
In Lover's arms, I'd drown in bliss.
I'd suffocate within the storm
Of his intoxicating kiss.

I miss the kiss from softest lips.
It pains me not to love that way.
So far away like sailing ships.
I wish he was with me today.

I dream of days when love was new.
I dream of days when he loved me.
My life takes on a different hue
And coldness now, is all I see.

©2021 Erin Marie Miller
© Erin Marie Miller