

He's not OK.
He's not OK, though he tries to pretend.

His smile is a mask he put on to blend,

With the world and the people who surround it, but inside he's lost and he feels drowned.

The weight of the world is crushing him down. He's suffocating, he cannot be found.

The pressure to succeed, to be the best,

It is leaving him tired, exhausted, and stressed.

Every day he wakes up with dread,

Wondering if he'll make it ahead,

Of the competition, of his own fear,

But every step forward only brings a tear.

He wish he could just let go.

Of the expectations, the constant flow.

Of demands and the need to impress,

Maybe then he could find some rest.

But until then, he'll keep on trying.

To hold on, to keep from dying,

In this world, it's so unforgiving,

He'll keep on fighting, keep on living.

© K. I. L.