

Lions, tigers and bears
Never thought I'd see the day where I'd look into your eyes, and not feel a damn thing
Considering a year or so ago, you were my world
And I would kill lions, tigers and bears if I meant I could have you
You looked surprised, half distraught, not believing what you saw
But if you had seen what you left behind, you wouldn't even want to see my face ever again
Cause not only did I build my present around you, but even my future
All your traumas and demons I embraced
I believed in you, even when I was warned against it
It took an eternity to break down those dreams, and let them go
And in essence, you gave me no choice but to harden my heart towards you
Cause holding on to the hope that you would change your mind about us, would've been the end of me
Something, that even in my most dire of straits, I could not allow

Nothing but goodwill I wish on your path, but there's no place in my heart for you anymore
How sad is that, when my heart was more of you, then it was of myself