

A Promise To My Beloved

You know how I feel for you
Yet you act as if you don't
You have emphasized enough
That you can't see a future with me
But do you not hear the painful noise
That comes out of my heart everytime you say so.

Maybe you don't care how I feel
For you keep wishing aloud
That someday I find a good companion
Ignoring that for me no one can be better than you
Does my existence even matter to you?
What if I disappear tomorrow?
Will you just miss me as a friend?
Or you will feel something more than that too?

I know you want me to move on
And just be good friends with you
But I... Oh no stop! Stop! Stop!
Why are these tears trying to force their way out?!
Don't they remember you made me swear
That they are not supposed to come out for you.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid tears...
Can't keep a simple promise
But maybe it's not so simple for them
As it was for you.

Don't you worry though
As I'll be strict to them
For the promise must be kept
A promise to my beloved.

Coming back to- Moving on
Do you know how hard it hits me
Everytime I realise
That how easy it will be for you
To move on
And find someone new
Because for you it's a mere friendship
But for me... Do I still need to explain ?

Maybe one day you'll find someone,
With whom you'll be able to see your future
Someone who you would feel
Is deserving of you
You probably didn't think me responsible enough
To be able to care for a family
But maybe someday you'll find someone who
You would proudly introduce to the world as your better half
And then maybe once in 10 years or so...
You'll take a moment from your blessed marital life
And revisit us in your memories and think where would I be
That would be all you could care for
Before again forgetting me.

Ah! This pain....
Now, now, my dear heart
I can't argue with you too
Stop troubling me so
After all it's just me and you
Looks like I'll have to be strict with you as well
As we can't afford to get emotional
For the promise must be kept
A promise to my beloved.

I think it was my mistake
That I was too real with you
Instead of being artificial and hiding my faults
I tried to be true
I know I'm not perfect
But don't you see me trying everyday
For me to become deserving of you
So that you'll be proud of me in every way.

I often lose hope
But it doesn't take me long to gain it back
I know my lord will hear me
My loads of sincere prayers will bear fruit
And one day with divine intervention
We'll be happily together forever and ever.

Till then I'll try to be patient
And hold my tears back
Keep my heart normal
Make my lips smile
For the promise will surely be kept
As it's a promise to my beloved.

© A.
