

Are You Okay??
Several time I ask myself this question.

Are you okay?

and I just don't know the beginning of my lies that I have told to myself, just conclude my existence.

This regularness of life quite a mess these days.

The shuffleness of emotions brings chaos unconditionally.

You know the feeling of cloudy emotions.
everything just feels like another illusion.
those never ending voices in my head are searching those red doors of my heart to come out and see the light of hope.

But still the question left behind that 'are you okay? or you need anything? or are you actually giving up or you're just fooling yourself?.

the purpose of life is finding the right question of your existence.
because in illusions you're just finding the answer of unsettled questions that remains unanswered in the battle of your existence.

You know the worst things that people do with themselves is manipulating self while doing comparison with others.

I don't know what I'm writing,
I don't know how I'm concluding things.
but in the end I just see myself drowing in searching of hopes.

These days, in a funny way or in dark sarcasm.
I confess that I wanna die as soon as possible.
While confessing these things I just smile in front of all people.

but in reality I just wanna scream and confess that I need parmanent silence

© im_1d03