

Within The Veil
Ghostly echos bounce off the walls in my
mind projecting false emotions onto my heart
wrapping my attention around their words
solidifying a temporary existence through
my clouded eyes fueling my insecurities with
actions from my past experience

I sift through the rubble of my broken
heart searching for a peaceful memory
only to find fragments of a smile laced
with the venom of false happiness killing
my bouquet of hope rotting my scent
of confidence as the petals begin to fall
and burn around me leaving behind a
dehydrated stem

I rise from the corner feeling the midnight
blue veil caress me with energies of agony
and joy flashing alternate outcomes through
my eyes flushing the mist from my vision
illuminating different sections of the garden
filling my my nostrils with different aromas
while unmasking the entities before each
path exposing the intentions of each individual

© 2023