

"The Rabbit Hole"
By: De Ona Charamut

Just after a gentle shower you see a pretty rainbow,
While going through the woods in cavorting auras,
The birds are all so friendly wherever you go,
In every tree they sing you a chorus,
And flutter their wings putting on a show

I continued walking through this forest
When I noticed something out of place
I approached it with some curious caution
And took notice to a little crawl space

It was a dark lil rabbit hole
That seemed barely big enough to fit through
I figured maybe if I just squeezed hard enough
That I could get a better view

Against my better judgement
I didn't listen to common sense
I jumped both feet into the hole
Not expecting the outcome of the experience

If I only knew then
Everything that I know now
I would have never stopped to investigate
That lil rabbit hole that I had found

I learned this is where Addiction lives
It's where it lays and hides
It can't wait to get it's arms around you
And then slowly take your life

It's been really hard at times
But I've finally come to admit
Addiction is something
That I've always had a problem with

People will lie to themselves and say
'Naaaah it cant happen to me'
When in fact, the truth is,
It can happen to anybody

People that struggle with Addiction
They struggle with it every minute of every day
Some end up in Rehab
Just to keep Addiction at bay

...To Be Continued...

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