

A Hole In The Heart
A hole in the heart,
an unfillable void,
engulfing everything in its despair.
A funeral to be held for the architect of this grave.
There resides a monster in the mind,
once hidden beneath the bed.
An ocean dwells within the eyes,
yet frozen, the tears are.
Walking on fragile ice,
a cloud looms overhead,
shadows trailing closely behind.
The darkness now entices,
show me the way, show me how,
to escape this chaos,
this purgatory.
Between demons and the precipice,
a step forward or retreat,
which choice shall I make?
Four limbs and an infested brain,
merely a tenant I have become in my frame,
more like a prisoner within my own brain.
Relentless tinnitus, an unwelcome resident of the mind,
creating noises to drown the inner voices,
repeating the same phrases, counting to ten,
as I draw a breath,
but slowly,
it slips away.
I am losing it,
I am drowning in.
A hole in the heart,
crimson streams from weary eyes,
a parasite within the mind.
The walls and ceiling seem alluring
as all meaning slips away.
Just a pawn in the grand scheme,
I am unraveling,
as I mourn my own passing,
six feet beneath the weight that drags me down.
This gravity,
a sensation of floating,
And I know I’m sinking.

© shine