

The Same Road Twice
Everyday I try to go for a walk
Everytime I walk down the same country road
The road I walk is paved but no painted lines
Surrounded with farmer's fields and a few houses
My only companion a little gray and tan dog

You'd think I would get tired 
Of walking the same worn path 
But not yet and hopefully never 
After all I never walk the same road twice
So why would I ever get bored?

Everyday the sky's a different color
The clouds a different shape
Everyday on the wind a different scent 
The sweep of the hill a different shade of green

Even the gray skies can be beautiful 
Quiet calm and soft
Even trees bare of their leaves can awe me
Their scraggly fingers grasping at the frosty air

Once a fawn ran by so close my dog could've touched it if I hadn't held him back
Once I scared up a mama turkey and her young
Teeny little fluff balls scampering about
And one of the chicks tried to take flight 
But crashed back to earth, still too young
Once a whole kettle of vultures swooped and soared above my head 
And perched in a dead tree looming over me
The smell of their deer carcass rancid sweet on the wind

Sometimes the world seems dipped in magic
A visual symphony weaving its untamed melodies before me
And I'm filled with wild joy
Sometimes I care not for the paradise before my very eyes
And I plod onwards indifferent to the wonder
Gray skies in my brain

But never have I walked the same road twice

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