

wake up
Wake up to a new day like starting a new life.
Live it like a beautiful song, play the fife.

Open your eyes, feel the life, set the goals.
Take off the blanket let the light cover your soul.

Get up with hopes, faith and a smiling face.
Every breath you take needs to embrace.

Inhale the fresh air and feel its fragrance.
Enjoy every moment before its disappearance.

Ups and downs on road, walk without any hurdle
Keep eyes on the path, tie your waist with a girdle.

Life is blended with turmoils and struggle.
Strife with hardship and unravel every puzzle

Friends and enemies wearing coloured masks.
Unveiling false faces are such a difficult task.

Wake up to new life with spiritual ablution.
Each day you are going to live is just an illusion.

Every morning of life will start with a secret test.
Enhance and Embellish your morn and the rest will be best.

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