


I know no name to describe the bond we carry,
it feels like a secret, a forbidden fruit i carelessly plucked,
so this is for all — who lost that someone,
who they didn't know but knew all along.

They quoted it right, you never know how important someone is until you just lose them. Until they are just not there anymore, with no forewarnings.

And all you do is accept it; you can't complain, you can't fight. You just sit with that feeling of emptiness, in the uncomfortable silence. And all of a sudden, the moon starts looking lonely and you relate to all the sad songs. And it feels like a breakup of a relationship that never was. The end of a friendship you didn't know mattered so much.

You'll wonder if the night sky always looked so dark or if the clouds could make such broken shapes. Everything around will somehow seem devastating, grieving. And the next moment, you regret even wasting a second not being with them; when they were still there, by your side. You'll have hundreds of memories to remember but they wouldn't be enough and thousands more won't be either.

The meaning of solitude, isolation, you'll know them all. The you who was once afraid of being alone will start finding peace in it because the lights were long gone; on their journey while you stay stuck, by all the circumstances. Living never seemed so hard until you lost the reason and the will. You'll wonder when that someone became so important but the deed was done. After all, what can you do if not to accept your fate? You just have you.

Memories might keep you intact and the future shall be the only ray of hope to keep you going; the only brightness that allows you to look forward to things. After all, even if the present looks helpless, there's still an unknown future. Maybe a time will come where you'll be reunited with that magic, maybe you'll once again get to embrace that force.

So you keep breathing; living as weeks pass by. Because you're still hoping and longing for your lost smile. To once again breathe under the same sky with that stranger. The stranger who taught you the strangest things. The stranger whose scent was that of a cold night breeze.

The stranger who felt like home.
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