

The feeling
The feeling you give me is that of fear
I hear my heart confess in my ear
Not the fear of craving you
But the uneasy feeling of being bruised and left blue
My heart is still quite delicate
The missing pieces I'm still struggling to recollect
yet they remain scattered
Some can't be salvaged because they've been badly battered
So I hope you understand why I'm protecting the rest
clenching any feelings close to my chest
I can't afford to loose what's left
so if you end up stealing them I'll have to charge you with theft
Theft of something already broken
"if u won't treat it right leave" is my new slogan
Because why would u want to cause more damage?
Breaking the last bits like a savage
But if my assumptions are to be verified
why have my feelings towards you intensified?
Why do I feel this gut wrenching pull
Why is my hearts last pieces falling for you
when love is so cruel?
I want to trust you blindly
But the idea of that is unsightly
For you'll have to earn my trust
helping me find the last pieces of my heart again isn't a must
Yet you still choose to do it anyway
No matter how mean I might be or the horrid words I say
You've awaken a new growth
This is Anew start for us both

#healing #growth #love #hurting #brokenhearted

© eve_is_a_poet