

Sands of time
as you sit in the lap of wind
and watch time passes by
things you remember
that made you laugh and cry

the childhood that you had was playful
time in your parent's arm was blissful
with them all your wishes come true
like having a santa just for you

the school you go
the fun you have
the friends you make
in those days its just looks like a piece of cake

when you become a youth and find a partner
dreams you grow and create a small heaven with your fellow Gardner
as time goes on and you enjoy your marital life
the 2 things that make it complete are your kids and wife

as you grow old and remember everything while sitting in a armchair
all these things become a fond nostalgia but nothing in despair

you collect every memory in an old chalice
try to reminiscence them in your memory palace
these things only worth dozens a dime
life is nothing but sands of time

© toddler