


Like catching a fish with a bare hand
I dipped my hands into the river
Like hanging on a roller wheel
My grips are hard to let go
But you slipped away
Like taking a dip in a frozen river
I went in naked and stupid

But so did you
Holding my hands in a cursive pleasure,
You dived with me
Heating yourself in my cloying words,
You melted along
But I slipped away
You went in lovely and naked

But I let go
Fleeting glimpse of salted desire,
I showed you
Soothing ointment of pain deserved
I see you,
Widest beam of a heart desire
Towards another that pulled you out

I wish it was me
Drowning in the heat of an Ocean
Or is it frozen
You ever wondered why i left you there?
I hope you do
Cause I'm hoping you will have an answer
Then it would make sense
Why my hearts beats a million shoots
Or why it doesn't

I want you back
You have something of mine
Buried somewhere in you
Can you find it?
Even if I don't know what it is
You know what?
Maybe I didn't leave you alone in the ocean
Maybe I slipped
To the deepest part of the dark ocean
And perhaps, I'm still there.