

My Peaceful Journey Poem
On my heart's pathway

On my heart's pathway,
there are no stones or thorns.
I can walk comfortably.
I can hum a tune in solitude.

There's a small rock
bench to sit and rest.
I can spread my arms wide,
face the sky, and enjoy the breeze.

I can relax my ears,
nose, and skin,
and feel the thrill
in every pore.

I can untie my braids,
let my hair flow,
and let the wind caress it..

On my heart's pathway,
there are no roars of
dogs, foxes, or lions.
There are no deceivers
who speak sweetly,
drooling with temptation..

The chirping of flowers
and bees is endless..
The flowing rivers
are countless.
I can become the voice
of the birdsong.

The twinkling of
the moon and stars
doesn't evoke fear.
The night is reassuring.

The day is even more comforting..
My heart's pathway is filled with greenery..

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava