

You came..
You came back
After all your belongs you did pack
And left me
And all you do is put a smile on your face and call me your daughter
That's funny...
Cause you never played a role of a mom in my life
You were never there
On my first birthday
You were never there when I started school
Or on my first highschool day
You were never there to teach me about the changes of a woman's body
You were never there to tell me that everything is going to be fine
After you tell me that you were thinking of me every single day of your life
That's a joke right..
Cause if you did you were going to come back earlier

You know Everytime I thought of you..you were a knife in my heart
Always thought that if you were left by a mom
A mom who is supposed to be there to love you
That means you will never be loved
Honestly I needed you
I needed a mom
I remember when I was younger
When Everytime I asked daddy about you
All he said was "Mommy will be back in the morning"
I woke up every morning ran to daddy's room hoping you would be there by his side
Guess what..
10 years of waking up early and not finding you there
Till I believed you were never coming back
What confuses me most
Is that even though you left
Daddy always told me that you loved me
He never poisoned me against you
He still cared about you
...you don't deserve that

I am not sad
I am angry

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