

Friends are instructors on pleasant days and dusky nights.
Generous buddies are lamps that replenish the spirit with lights.

New comrades are the adventure, refreshment, doors to new directions.
Old colleagues are remembrances and emblems of childhood actions.

Thoughts and traits are laying lifelong reflection and impressions.
Companions instruct the intellect to take reasonable or awful actions.

Sacred souls always formulate a sympathetic and respectful mentality.
An unlawful friendship is a cause for spiritual and intellectual lethality.

Destructive amigos will through their followers in a deep streath.
The accurate direction will guide mates toward a flourishing path.

Partners in prosperity, dancers in joy and backers during complications.
Truthful and devoted fellowships are valuable god-gifted associations.

It's tough to discover in gardens thornless roses and corns without husk.
Friends are found in all nooks but real chums are like perfumes of musk.

The connection of emotions, souls and hearts mingle their roles.
Jointly on curled, rough and smooth roads of the future, pals stroll.

Sensibly install a chosen bud on the trunk to get healthy and better fruits.
Contemplate that tree will produce the fruits as per the shoot you recruits.

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