

The Rollercoaster Called "Life"

People often compare a rollercoaster to life
With the ups and downs being joy and strife
But I can't help noticing a few key things
that their rollercoaster analogy is missing:

There's a million tracks you've gotta steer
just subtle changes, their outcomes unclear
While a man behind you called "society"
judges your every move with no privacy

As you go, there are things you collect
People and items you have to protect
You must balance them in your coaster-car
or they'll fall to where the broken things are

You might think you matter, youre probably wrong
the coaster is a bajillion and one miles long
Danger lies at each curve and each bend
you never know which track leads to your end

So yes, it's a coaster, there's bad and there's good,
but it doesn't flow like a normal one would
It's a constant effort for each person alive
to travel on endlessly, to make humankind thrive

© Amber Lynn