

Nothing is possible
You don't want to
break me right?
You didn't.
For you.
I wouldn't really call it
that from my side.
And anyways,
Success isn't actually real.
Neither is love.
And a happy life.
Everything is impossible.
But of course only for me.
She can pretend there are no problems.
Even when her existence in
my life is a problem.
And she really didn't broke me.
The only thing happened
that now I think that no
one would ever want me
And I don't just think that.
I know that.
I'm screwed inside.
The outside isn't better either.
Why would anyone want torture
themselfs with loving me?
I'm a horrible person.
That's why she doesn't want me.
My problems scare her away.
But then also here we are,
Arguing,over messages.
Because:"You don't care about your future at all"
Really? I don't?
Guess what?I fucking do.
I care about that couple
months I have.
I'll be suicidal anyways so.
But then at the end of the day.
I just think:I can be really toxic.
I also have the power.
I think that I could possibly be so toxic someone would
jump off a building.
But I would never use
this power of course.
And obviously I won't
jump either.