

Shattered Sanctuary
In homes where love should be a sanctuary,
A toxic nightmare reigns, a soul-crushing calamity.
Abusive parents, with malevolent cruelty,
Unleash torment, leaving scars that perpetually bleed.

Their vitriolic words, like venomous daggers, pierce,
Their brutal actions, a relentless, merciless siege.
Fear and shame, a constant, suffocating weight,
In homes where love is a distant, unattainable fate.

The children suffer, lost and alone,
Their innocence, like shattered glass, irreparably broken.
Their cries, like anguished wails, echo through the night,
As love and care are callously, sadistically denied.

But still, a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light,
Flickers in vain, a distant, unreachable sight.
Support and love, a distant, unattainable dream,
Leaving only darkness, a lifelong, endless scream.

© Bishal kalita