

Life is a question
Life is a question?
In every episode, this comes in front,
propels us to ponder, talk over,
what should be the next step?

Life is a question?
at the stage of adolescence,
shall I study science or art?
science stands logical and points of IQ,
art stands value and mark of EQ.

Life is a question?
at the entry point of college life,
shall I choose technical or general courses?
technical one focused on one segment,
would bring the job at the end,
wherein general would put us back on the junction,

Life is a question?
out of college,
shall I attempt for government or private job?
the government lends security, but not growth
private provides growth but not the security,

Life is a question?
moved into the job and planning to begin family life,
shall I go for arrange or love marriage?
shall I choose a partner from urban or countryside?

Life is a question?
Once the family life started,
shall I apply for higher responsibility,
taking risks or continue to remain in my comfort,
lending more time to family.

Life is a question?
after a while into a job,
shall I be outspoken or passive?
shall I reply immediately as
the query puts forward by the client
or listen, understand, and then respond.

Life is a question?
as a consumer,
shall I go with the mind or listen to the heart?
mind says be logical,
go by the usefulness of the product
heart says, be cautious,
go by the trust and service given by the org,

Life is a question?
depends on the individual, how one perceives,
either we go by choice or chance,
once we accept the one way,
put on the eff #WritcoPoemPrompt
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