

I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
i was stopping the fight of a cat and a mouse I didn't know they were the legends around
I am in a cartoon....
I am in a cartoon...
i was running around the woods searching for a rabbit because it is the wabbit season a rabbit came to me and said ehh what's up doc
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
i was solving the crime In a mystery van with my gang
But I was scared with a courges dog
I am in a cartoon...
I am in a cartoon.....
I was teaching a kid but he was the mischievous boy he was 5 year old but it fells he has the soul of loki inside
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
I was spending my summer holidays with 2 brother they were good friends with a crazy mind the have a pet which disappeare constantly
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
I was waking in the park heard a sound of blast I saw a weird object fly over with SPD written on it
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
I used to study in a school there was a kid trying to be good I heard he has a robot friend to help him in a mild way
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
I have 3 cockroach in my house with a cat around every time it turns into a mess when they fight around
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
I have seen a guy kill a monster In a punch he trained hard but he is bald
I am in a cartoon
I am in a cartoon
I have wrote how my friend will die in a book of death will he die the same in real live
I am in a cartoon....
I am in a cartoon.......
I am in a cartoon........

© entertainer