

relevance of love
Things just seem to be going from bad to worse I don't know how to get a hold of my own life anymore. I would just like to be happy and settled nothing sounds better than that my baby needs to be full of happiness I need to make sure that is happening.

So now this previous life with another has finally ran its course the cliche has once again prevailed and rang true
Time heals all wounds heartbroken and emotionally pummeled, life as it was scorched as if it were an act of God,
However, every dark cloud has a silver lining.
being able to completely restart,
from with only what little belongings I have remaining.
The happiness returns to me like a lost relative of who was close at one time.
As if we were best friends at an early age and suddenly torn away from one another.
(Maybe from a sudden long distance move)
Nevertheless, it's back, love ,and it's twisted sense of humor. Dark even...
Unforgiving in its nature, but it's as fresh as a juicy peach and it's ripe for the taking.
Mine if I want it.
No one in my way or to tell me otherwise.
The feeling is strong, replenishing, all though I'm scared and my senses are heightened with awareness a wall has been built brick by hefty brick in order to protect my emotions and feelings.
but what is it?
Something about this seems different. finding out that not only am I ready, but I am diving head first into the deep end.
Water crystal clear clean enough to drink sort of if it was off a glacier untainted by infectious bacteria or rotting carcasses of creatures that didn't make their destinations.
My fortress of a castle wall, swiftly being disassembled as if it were put up wrong all together and not one at a time fast like there's a cut off date or quota in which it must be rid of.
yes, I can see as far as the eye allows, clearly and bright.
I've fallen fast and hard like a bowling ball an increased gravity, feeling both weightlessness and heavy to move I'm spinning inside my mind but it's the most well it's just simply the most no word great enough to follow just most.
She is for me what I am for her and without a doubt in my mind the feeling is 100% mutual. it's too genuine ,too real to be anything less, and nothing more or less than what I feel I deserve and expect .How is this possible?
All of this time right there in front of both of us lying dormant ,like an ancient volcano and with just one tremor enough to move the richter scale,
the love erupts in full power in a month's time nearly a decade escaping and neither of us realizing that we would one day be lying in each other's arms .Our partial, to full nude bodies warm and against one another,and OMG !What a feeling.
The feelings of security and honesty as pure as the snow, and as real as the sky is blue.
We are finally together as we should have been all along. Happiness is happening as if it were there undetected ,yet, fate has taken us to this fairy-tailish courtship.(lol)
AND now we shall let this play out as it should like an old piano brought back to life restored,retuned, and now plays as beautiful as mozart played. love,Johnathan
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