

Alone till I am free
I always feel like I'm walking a tight rope.
When will my life not be a balancing act?
Just when I think I've got it all figured out. nope.
Why can't it all stay in tact?
I'm so tired.
I keep going.
I tried.
This is so annoying!
My mind is blocked.
I try to care.
My heart is locked.
No one is truly there.
Words fall short
Actions are loud.
after all you have done, you just want to run.
run away from pain that always seems to drain
stormy clouds bring hard rain
in those clouds is where I want to be
not a care in the world, free
as I blow away with the breeze
as I fly with the bees
flow through the leaves of trees
that'll be the day no one sees
what's left of me as soulless as I apear
it gets lonely up here or down there
does anyone even care?
only when you pass.
do they remember the past.
Remembering memories
till those memories become your last.

© Apollo's light