

People see you smile not your pain
People said you smile and laugh too much,
But they don't see the pain you clutch.
They think you're happy all the time,
But they can't see the tears you try to hide.

They say you're the life of the party,
But they don't know you're trying to be hearty.
They think you have it all together,
But they can't see the storm inside you, whether.

They don't see the battles you fight,
The thoughts that keep you up at night.
They don't know how much you struggle,
To keep up the facade, to keep up the bubble.

They see the smile on your face,
But they can't read between the lines, trace.
They don't know the weight you carry,
The burden that you try to bury.

They think you're just a happy soul,
But they don't know the story untold.
They don't see the pain behind the laughter,
The scars that you try to cover after.

But know that you're not alone,
Though your pain may never be shown.
For there are others who understand,
The inner turmoil, the unseen brand.

So let them say what they will,
For they'll never know the pain you feel.
But never forget, you are not just a smiling face,
You are a warrior, full of grace.

So keep smiling and laughing,
Even when your heart is aching.
For your smile is a ray of light,
In a world that can be so dark and tight.

Don't let their words bring you down,
For they'll never know the true crown.
You wear, a crown of strength and courage,
A smile that shines through every discouragement.

So let them say what they want,
For your happiness is not a taunt.
You are more than what they see,
You are a beautiful soul, wild and free.

© nusrataijazlaway