

Peek a boo:
Peek a boo, i see you
Run as fast as you can
Like your life depends on it because it will
You will remember my name
And those words i just said
It is your fault what is about to come next
What a funny word to say
Your existence will forever stay if you don't leave right away
Peek a boo, i see you
He is here and so your soul will stay
My darling don't be afraid, it's just a painless death
Peek a boo, i see you
Trying to run away, are we?
Don't even try to escape, he knows every hiding place
You are now his prey
He is the king of the game
From here i can see your grave
No worries, i promise you won't feel a thing
Because i'm already dead
He says you will pay,
I hope you did your goodbye's letters today
Because i know you won't be able to see light again
¿You now want to run away?
Darling, he is behind you
This place is an enchanted spell with millions of mirrors
Peek a boo, i see you
I hear you, i feel you...
© Awen_Nyx33