

Black stone among the white
There I was in a new world
my surroundings wonderful in sight
my marvel reaching its peak
my eyes catching every glimpse it can get
one problem I saw though
my skin color so different
my companions whites and I a black.

I've heard of black mistreatment
but I never imagined getting it
I sat and cried my eyes till dry
till a friendly white man came along
he sat with me and quietened me
my pain and agony vanished like air
happiness and peace I had in heart
for at least one white among the many could accept
accept me for my black skin.

black skin is beauty he told me
a smile of joy on my face appeared
a thankful smile I gave to him
for he encouraged me
to be myself wherever I go

now I know that there is good
good in people despite racists
my sincere gratitude I give to you
the friend that made me regain couragE

THE end
© V Fon