

What Man is capable of
Endless highways of misdirected means,
To walk along the lonely street of dreams,
To live in a world where nothing is as it seems,
And take pursuit of pleasure to extremes...
Not knowing the depth of Life and its Purpose
Being thrilled to experience virtual things WE created
To ignore the Perfect Nature of what GOD created
To walk blindly unable to witness the workmanship of Creator
Unable to coexist in this beautiful world in Peace and Harmony
Always trying to Prove that we are capable of something
Look closer to His creation, His Heart
To give every resource to Man in a Perfect Balance
The Bright Morning Sunlight after the long night.
The Moonlight in the Night to feel relaxed after a tired day
To look at the Oceans, the Rain, the Trees, the Mountains, the Blossomed flowers
To realize we belong to this Perfect World
Nothing we can Control, just Experience the Beauty in Harmony

What are we capable of really?

© raji:)