

star light
by : blaqamber_rsa

every season that passes by reminds me of our best years
we used to get caught up in the moment of our own imaginations
we had our whole future figured out
we had big hopes and dreams

but none of what we said would happen actually happened
None of what we said we were going to do actually came through to a point of success
I remember you touching my face, looking deep into my eyes and telling me that all is well

and we were happy, yes dear darling we were......

until one day when the earth took you back to where you came from and left me needing and alone
I didn't want to remain behind and die alone so I buried myself with you on the day of your departure

I still see you in my wildest dreams
I still drown in my darkest fears
but I also still carry around your brightest cheers


since the moon is out of sight in a quest to comfort you for me
my heart dances alone in the star light
It can't wait to meet you all over again.....

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