

"Happy are they those who share everyday meal
Cause they shall always be refilled with more"
On beatitudes of intimacy you failed
"Woe unto they that thinketh the world is theirs
While it is full of musketeers
Ready to gun them down"
Is a principle that you failed to see
You wanted to own your own sea
Walked with crippled heart into a landmine
Which was unarmored
You blew yourself
I ain't the cause of your suffering
An expanse of nimbus was over your head
But you were blinded
The rain poured down
But an umbrella you had not
But I guess you had already tied a heart knot
Or maybe you have never fallen for anyone
What made you love me?
Love is crude and cruel
Paraffin, petro and diesel
Products of fuel
Highly flammable
I tried to give you a chance
But you were a city with no governance
You even had guts to tell me,
Tell me that "you are not what I expected "
A man from the moon you were expecting
Though your beauty is rare
You didn't act fare
You said I didn't love you at first
Well that's not true
Cause I had an Idea of loving you
Though broken I took you in
Despite having challenges in my inn
But you can't force someone to think about you
you hitted when vulnerable
I guess you acted like devil
Sure princess forgive me
Be happy take it from me.
© kogi