

Whatever it takes
Every soul that passes the gate,
Has passed a test of fate,
Trudging along on tired feet,
Almost there, refusing to be beat,
He went through trials,you'll never even know,cause his trials were all of his on his own, only to do with him, he had to
endure things we may never see, nore experience,in our lifetime here on thus earth ,he has went from living life normal and free,to all the sudden things changing little by little things were shown to him that he had to learn and follow all on his own he endured strings
others wouldn't understand, seen things they wouldn't have seen yet even believed
were true, he heard the lessons God would give him,and then he's relieve confirmation as he did them, and scripture would follow along, giving gim and his mind so.e comfort that he wasn't crazy,it was real and he was part of it,and somehow it just kept on from there, o believe so anyway, but I'd rather hear it from him instead,but I believe a miracle
happened in his life he got to experience
something some never get to experience ,
and so hard to explain,it's felt so deep inside and touches ur soul and every aspect of your. life as it seems, God has plans for us all,but it doesn't come for free, you have to put in the work as he gives it. to you study on it and really pay attention and get it,and that is what this man is about he took what God said and gave him and took instructios,and went through what he was meant to the very depths of he'll if he must had gone,he went through it and made it including the cleansing of the soul he had to indure the pain that came along with every stage ahead nomatter what it may be,he entered it anyway,cause he wanted to enter into Heavens Gates and he did whatever it took to get what he wanted
and did what it took for him to get outta Hell, why can't we all do the same!
© Kimb8343