

...idle hands
Idle hearts and idle minds
sit together to make idle plans.

Truckloads of nothings, they speak of,
forgetting that time is vanishing ; that lost time is gone.

Use young hairs to labor and grey hair to rest;
for a time cometh when you do not have the strengths you once possessed.

An idle mind is the devils workshop,
As the demon that enters an empty house;

He finds no one inside
So he goes to call a legion of his kind to occupy the empty house.

Guard your heart even though you are only human
and do not go about with worthless fools.

Sudden money is a deceiver
Because you can only become gold once you pass through a very hot fire.

Idle hearts and idle minds can easily become a thing of the past
If you put aside your pride and be willing to learn; study the Bible and be wise

© sage 2024