

My Best Friend
My ride or die
you're my ride because if you die
My life becomes meaningless
I want you by my side always
so we ride together in this journey of life

My best friend
What would I do without you with me
I genuinely say;
I am hopeless without you
I am lost when you are not around
Miserable when you're not by my side
Sad when I'm supposed to be happy
Just because you aren't here

My partner in crime
Life is so fun and colorful
when you're around
But so dull and boring
when you're not
I love everything about you
And I love everything you do

Mostly, how you make me feel
We do silly and crazy stuffs that brings a smile to my face
Actually you always bring smiles to my face
And always brighten up my day
###tomybestfriends#rita#and#faith#I love you #followme #likeforlikes #comment ❤️❤️