

Morning's Embrace 🔆
Beneath the soft hues of
🔆Morning's embrace,🔆
A world of possibilities, a canvas of grace,
🔆With dawn's 🔆
Gentle, dreams take flight,
Embrace the day, let your heart ignite,
🔆In the whispers 🔆
Of morning, hear nature's call,
A symphony of life, inviting one and all,
With each golden ray, a chance to renew,
To dance with the day, in skies of blue,
🔆Let your spirit 🔆
Rise, with the sun's ascent,
In the morning's embrace, find contentment,
For each sunrise, hope is reborn, in the quiet,
Moments feel it's warm adorn,
Good morning
thanks for reading
lots of love from
Lunar Queen

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