

Solis Heart Beat
Excentuated by my past,

Stuck in a mind worped present,

And a future that has a possibility of coming to pass,

Fragmented in increments of Ghost like particles,

With a spirit that yearns for that peace of abundance,

Like a solis heart beat,

Unique to its own kind,

The ultimate devin mind of a women with a soul built to soar and never be confined,

Nor conform to a lifeless cold world,

Like a solis heart beat,

I defeat all odds, of all odds defeated,

Grasping for time, time of hurt pain and sorrows,

That never seem to fade like their internal instincts,

Misty haze, decadeed myths of false realities,

Relying on human beings that have no form of self integrity,

Like a Solis heart beat,
I repeat,

The Beat Heart Solis a Like......

© Tytiana A. Willams