

My Friends
It's Holiday time...next door
Missing friends that I had for years
Until one destroyed my Facebook
Plus phone numbers I had stored
Wish I could hear Reds jokes, spend time
With him
Diane's stories of long ago
Go shopping with my friend Philippa
Talk about museums, eat popcorn...
Good stuff
It's been almost two years since I have talked to these friends
My heart hurts, tears begin
Truly fighting saddness within

It's closing in to the crown
Of this year
My Christmas wish is to hear from
Friends, I miss
Need to dry my tears
Today is the Birthday of my Popi who passed
There is nobody to cry to...phone numbers are gone...
Someone thought of my life as trash
One day if it's God's will...
May I connect to those, I miss
So tears will stop dropping
I miss my friends, I had for so very long
Pray daily I can connect
One day!
© Cynthia Inouye