

My Guiding Light
Across the waves, I sail and roam
While you keep shores, a steady home
As HR manager, you guide with care
While I navigate, with winds and tides to share

Though distance stretches, far and wide
Our bond remains, side by side
You, the elder, with wisdom true
Me, the younger, with adventures anew

In your guidance, I find my way
Through life's storms, come what may
And when I'm ashore, we share our tales
Of different worlds, yet common trails

Our bond is strong, our hearts entwined
Through laughter and tears, we've aligned
Though our paths differ, our love remains
A constant anchor, through life's joys and pains

So here's to you, dear brother of mine
A shining star, that forever will shine
In my heart, your love will always stay
A beacon of hope, come what may.
© Shelly
To my lovely brother