

Staring at a Rainbow 🌈
Staring at a rainbow in the sky,
Colors blend in perfect harmony,
Each hue is distinct, yet they unify,
A breathtaking sight for all to see.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple,
A spectrum of beauty, a work of art,
A natural wonder that's irrefutable,
A symbol of hope that warms the heart.

In the aftermath of a storm,
When the clouds have parted ways,
The rainbow signals a new norm,
And fills our souls with happy rays.

Staring at a rainbow, I reflect,
On the wonder of creation,
And feel a sense of awe and respect,
For this natural manifestation.

So let us cherish this splendid sight,
And marvel at its wondrous glow,
The rainbow is a reminder bright,
That beauty and hope will always show.