

I know it's hard

I Know this is just the beginning

They say I'm old enough

But I'm just a young girl

They say I'm of age

They care about the money

'You're too old to be staying with us'

They said.

'He has money you will live well'

They said.

'We need money,your brother needs to go to School'

'Your just a girl,ten cows worth'

'The third wife,,,the most favorite'they said.

She's optimistic

She's going back to school

In the lake shore she's washing her uniform

Tears dripping from her eyes

She wipes them as fast as they come

While her father is making negotiations

She's busy revising for her exams

Like a rose in thorny grounds she'll conquer

Hope is all she has

No despair

Only hope

A diamond heart she has

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