

Our bond is a treasure, rare and true,
A tie that binds, a heart-to-heart clue.
Through every test, we'll stand as one,
And weave our love into a tapestry, forever won.

If weary, call, and I'll take the lead,
And if I stumble, your hand I'll need.
Together we'll safeguard our love's embrace,
And cherish every moment, every trace.

I trust you completely, you'll never let it fade,
You're the message in every prayer I make.
Your name is etched in every memory I hold,
You're the one I turn to, on every path I'm told.

To the extent that if you're lost, I'll lose myself too,
Our bond is so strong, it's the only truth I know.

We both desired a love that would truly last,
And in each other's eyes, our hearts found a home at last.
We need each other's love to grow and thrive,
Together, our love will flourish, and our bond will survive.

We promised to grow together, hand in hand,
To face life's challenges, and make our love expand.
You make me feel alive, and worth living for,
With you, my love, I know we'll win the battle of life, and more.

Our love is the anchor that holds us tight,
The guiding light that shines through the darkest night.
We'll weather every storm, and emerge stronger still,
Together, our love will conquer all, and our hearts will fulfill.
© Srizzz