

Beyond Momentum
Today, I looked beyond the momentum.
The inner voice whispers
To follow the eternal truth
The divine power that lay unleashed
To follow every rhythm 
Plans going wrong
Of days being long
Of moments we can’t form
 I looked beyond momentum.
The illusions 
The dreams 
The passion
The pain
The urge to split apart from the reality
Can we erase the present or the past?
Be guided by our higher selves.
Each brings a fresh, new day.
There are many moments we fail to describe.
Moves ahead with the time
The ticking of clocks
The shadows
The sunrise 
The dark, starry nights
The clouds are moving  slowly to form a serene moment.
Every moment is created.
Hence, I never wait for momentum. 
It wakes me up every time.
With each breadth, we take
The music of our heartbeats whispers a divine truth.
As I listen to my soul
It lies intact, allowing you to feel at peace. 
Life is beyond momentum. 

© Shiny