

perspective anew
Some may say I am quite intense
And while that is true in present tense
Here is some clarity I want to dispense
Its both good and bad just like common sense
Over the years I apologized for my ways
most just jump ship and left me in a daze
Unable to see because sweet words left a haze
And I keep thinking I'm getting somewhere in the maze
I've diluted myself for others in vain
And kept on repeating what felt insane
All routes just led me back to the same lane
by this point a car crash would be less pain
I've never been too good at hiding emotion
And so it tends to cause a commotion
Because I feel them as deep as the ocean
I dont hold it against those who don't get the notion
I'm simply complex just like all human beings
We worry what problems our baggage brings
But ai am as sure as the blue bird sings
That love is meant to be unconditional with these things
So many types of love in life exist
Most are caught up in one so others they missed
I cant tell you how often thay leaves me quite pissed
We focus on romantic while other loves are dismissed
Platonic or family or friend or your pet
So many forms of love you can get
I'm sure there are more that I havent named yet
One last thing I hope you never forget
Be grateful for blessings that happen to you
And tell those who love you that you love them too
While I assure you most of us have no idea what to do
When lifes up and downs have us feeling askew
Jusy remember the happy feelings when feeling blue
I hope to yourself you always remain true
And I end this poem with a much better view