

from the heart
I don't know what's in the future or the past.
all I know is that what I wrote is from the heart.
they like it or not,
it won't make my poems go short.

A love letter,
not from the brain,
from the heart,
which has wanted you from the start.

Write or read,
but always be neat.
Appreciate yours and others work,
Just give your work a appreciated hug.

Reasons to write,
reasons to love,
reasons to hate,
reasons to keep that safe.

A work you don't appreciate,
doesn't mean it is unworthy,
But you just don't think it is appreciative,
But the balance has to be sturdy.
So if one hates,
ten would love,
think about the positive side
because only that would fly.
Don't let the negative mind take over,
it will only make you slower.

© @callmesun