

Shadows & Whispers
In the quiet of the night, shadows dance
Whispers echo through the stillness, a trance
They speak of secrets long forgotten
Of love and loss, of hearts downtrodden

The shadows cloak the world in mystery
They hide the truth and create our history
They follow us wherever we shall go
Lurking about in the corners, moving slow

Whispers float upon the gentle breeze
Carrying messages, just as they please
They tell tales of joy and woes of sorrow
Of their yesterday and of our tomorrow

But beware, for shadows truly deceive
As whispers yield no good reprieve
They twist the truth and distort the reality
Leaving us lost inside their dark mentality

Shadows and whispers, two sides of the same coin
Invisible yet ever present, a constant join
They haunt our dreams and our waking hours
Filling our minds with their darkened powers

We try to shake them off, to break free
But they linger, a constant reminder of what could be
They whisper of regrets and missed chances
Of forgotten dreams and unfilled romances

The shadows grow longer as the daylight fades
And the whispers grow louder as nighttime invades
They envelop us all within their womb
Leaving us feeling quite small, trapped in a tomb

Yet amidst the darkness, there is a glimmer of light
A ray of hope shining through the night
It whispers of redemption and of grace
Of a new dawn, a fresh embrace

So let the shadows dance, and the whispers flow
For they hold the key to the answers you seek to know
Invite them inside you as part of your journey
And watch as they lead you to your fated destiny.

© Damian T Hallan