

Power of ‘SHE’

I always scold her about her future
I always worry about her nature
but I always wished for her better.
Can u imagine who she is ?
she is my sister who is my friend also
I always worry because she is weak
she have a glorious heart which melt easily 🫠,

There is always a way towards her future
but she need support - as do I
she can't talk to her parents about what fellings she have
but as a taekwondo black belt I can feel it

how it feels when u adore to see that smile on your mother's face everyday,
she will not say anything -
but will always bless u 🥹
When your father,
who miss there one time food just to watch u winning 🙏
When your sister,
holds your sholders and say I am proud.

when she won the race I jump out of box,
it was the best imagination
watching her winning 🥲
when they announce RITIKA SINGH
my smile was towards infinity,
We are women of tomorrow
power of today - youth
believe of tomorrow - nation.

When me and Anjali listen it
we want to hear it more and more
She made us so proud, I love my sis
We want her happiness
which lies in the rollers of scates .

#ritikasingh#regionalwinner#proud#our tommorw.
© grover