

Currency 💲
The Rarest metal is melted for you .
The finite Lignite & Crude are crushed because of you ,
The Most precious Crystallite is Mounted in the highest for you .
The Trees loose their dignity to serve the earth, for you. 🌲🌲🌲🌲
The creatures of the forest cry out in silent agony as they are slaughtered
for you without remorse .
Plants are grown & harvesed for your name .
Mankind shed each other's blood for your abundance.
What have you done to deserve all this sacrifice?
You give nothing in return to the environment, when humans still crave you .
You are a living curse ," root of all evil".
Your essence means nothing .
Yet you hold the power , a medium in this manmade decayed System.
A symbolic god that sets the rules ,
a god created by foolish & imperfect men.

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