

Lost to Time
Lost in time,
weaved with memories,
It was but an old house
filled with thorns and creepers
Devastated with timly struggle
Weaving hopes by knots of hardships
To carry forward what is lost
Among dark holess and gloom
The rain has wrecked rhe part of it some time back
Through the crevices marked past glory in gold
Witnessed.by the.wall paintings done
Ruins of a time lost to devout memories and sagas
Passing wind brought the essence of goodness
Yet to achieve concealed among
submerged paths
And the growing wild at a corner
Trees had overtaken the old treks
By the thatch -covered roofs no light could filter
Created ghostly silouettes dwindling and augmenting
As if haunted throughout the night
Old structures looked nearly broken
Beside a side cupoard housed by rats
Echoed and reechoed through the night's howl
Thas replaced the golden memories and oldies
Heart 's echoes rushes out to catch
What is lost in time.

© N. Gamage